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So far [email protected] has created 416 blog entries.

“God-Power!” – John 15:1-8 (Year B, 5th Sunday After Easter)

2024-04-23T10:45:22-04:00April 23rd, 2024|Lectionary Sermon Starters, Uncategorized|

Read the Lectionary Texts   If you are an atheist – or an agnostic – or a doubter – or one who struggles with questions like, “How can you believe in Someone or Something you can’t even see?” – or if you are one who has been disappointed by God, hurt in some way by God’s followers, put off by religious fanatics, concerned about religious militants, or in any other way alienated from religion in general or Christianity in particular…I want to introduce you today to a couple I once ran into in a grocery store. They attended the [READ MORE]

“Runaway Children” – Psalm 23 and John 10:11-18 (Year B, Fourth Sunday of Easter)

2024-04-15T11:42:45-04:00April 15th, 2024|Lectionary Sermon Starters|

Read the Lectionary Texts Have you ever run away from home? I have. Many times when I was a kid. Upset about some situation, I announced to my mother that I was running away. And with that announcement, I was out the door and down the street, running away. Forever. Or until suppertime…whichever came first. Running away. Most kids do at one time or another. Some, like me, just down the street in a childish temper tantrum. Others in more serious situations and with far graver consequences – teenagers running off to big cities where they are often preyed [READ MORE]

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